Opt-Out From Receiving Credit Card or Insurance Offers
Through www.optoutprescreen.com, you can choose to remove your name from lists offering credit or insurance (you probably think of these as junk mail). Many clients feel overwhelmed by these notices and wish to stop receiving them. Here’s how!
Are these credit card and insurance offers piling up? This is a great way to stem the flow!
Through this site, you can choose to:
Opt-Out for five years (this must be done electronically through the website)
Opt-Out permanently (you must mail in the form)
Opt-In and be eligible to receive “firm offers”. This option is for those who have previously completed an Opt-Out request and would like to re-opt in.
From their website, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the button to opt out. Choose whether you want to opt out for five years or permanently. Fill out the form and submit. That’s it!
NOTE: They WILL ask you for your social security number, which they encrypt for your protection.
Visit www.Optoutprescreen.com to opt out.